One Minute Mason Jar Mayo

It takes just 60 seconds. It’s also foolproof.

My stepmom, who is French and makes many things from scratch, made mayonnaise in her kitchen as a child. I thought to myself, “Why?” I can just buy the stuff in a jar. However, I hadn’t seen anyone make it and it was the first time I thought of it. I also had never considered why I might want to. Here are some reasons you might want to: If you have never made homemade mayonnaise before, it is likely that you have never actually had mayonnaise. This mayonnaise is a world above the jarred variety. It’s creamy, silky, and not at all gloppy. This method is incredibly simple, despite all the hype about it being hard. It takes literally just one minute.


1 3/4 cups
1m prep time


1 wide-mouth pint-sized mason jar
1 egg, at room temperature
1/2 teaspoon ground mustard (or a dollop of Dijon mustard)
Kosher salt, to taste
juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 cup neutral tasting oil, such as safflower or sunflower


Add egg to mason jar. Add ground mustard, salt, lemon juice. Pour in oil.

Place the head of an immersion blender over the egg, which should be at the bottom of the jar. Begin to blend on high.

Once emulsion begins to turn white, turn blender to low and start to slowly lift up to draw in the oil. You can tilt the blender from side to side to mix in oil.

Add more lemon juice and salt to taste, if needed. Enjoy!

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