Meat empanadas

List of ingredients

2 rolls of puff pastry 300 grams Ground beef


1 Red onion 1 Splash of olive oil 1 Egg yolk

Hot pepper powder

Salt and pepper

Calories = High

Steps to prepare.

Heat the oven to 180°C.

Peel and cut the onion into small pieces. Faites-le cuire dans une poêle avec de l’huile d’olive pendant 5 minutes.

Add the hachée vegetables, the tomatoes coupées in petits morceaux and the pepper. Add salt and pepper, then cook for about ten minutes.

Étalez les pâtes. Cut them into circles about 10 cm in diameter. Apply a thin layer of mélange to the milieu of the cercles, so that the edges are moistened with water.

Brush the empanadas with beaten egg mixed with a little water.

Place the empanadas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Put on four pendants for 30 minutes and wait immediately.

Brought this for a party and the crowd went nuts! Everyone didn’t believe me when I said they were just 3 ingredients

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